Tuesday, March 15, 2011



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Nokia E7 Firmware Updated to v14.002 (PR1.1)

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:45 AM PDT

Today Nokia E7 firmware updated to version 14.002 (PR1.1). Its previous software version was v13.016 (PR1.0).

You can update your Nokia E7 firmware over OTA (Over-The-Air) or via Nokia's Software Updater application,  Ovi Suite on Windows PC . The Nokia E7 does have UDP (User Data Preservation), but its always a good idea to backup all your personal data before updating the  firmware. The update is about 907 KB in size via OTA.


  • Changelog is still unknown, Once we have -we will update it.
  • It may take some time before the new firmware is available for your region. Please check the latest availability at your local Nokia E7 support page.

Thanks to Malay Mehta for heads!

Do let us know if you find any thing new.

Symbian Theme ‘Windows Phone 7 Blue’ : by Cupcake

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:40 AM PDT

For WP7 lovers here is awesome ‘Windows Phone 7 BlueNokia theme by Cupcake. It looks like the themer tried hard to emulate the WP7 style. Theme is fully compatible with Symbian^1 and Symbian^3 phones.

Download Here!

And don't forget to share it with your friends ;D

Nokia BetaLabs : Nokia Diexie – Natural Chinese writing app

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:59 AM PDT

Today Nokia Betalabs released a new experimental app ‘Nokia Diexie’. Its a beta application for Chinese speakers  that uses a unique Chinese character handwriting input technology developed under Nokia Research Center, Beijing to help write Chinese sentences on touchscreen phones naturally.

Nokia Diexie (诺基亚叠写) is a unique Chinese character handwriting input technology designed specifically for smaller touch screen phones where writing out a full sentence just won't fit on a small screen.  Nokia Diexie allows users to simply write a full sentence one character over another in a stacking style with using your pointer finger as a pen.  (Diexie in Chinese  means “overlapping handwriting“).  As you begin writing the next character over the previous character, the previous character begins to fade away, creating an overlapped visual, allowing you to concentrate on finishing the next character.

Research has shown that this input method not only increases the overall user experience for Chinese character text input, but also increases the accuracy of the recognition to identify different handwriting styles. Nokia Diexie is an evolutionary iteration of the handwriting recognition technologies that were previously showcased in the Ovi Store with Nokia Handwriting Calculator and Nokia Continuous Handwriting Input.”

Nokia Diexie has been fully tested on Nokia N8 and Nokia N97 with Qt 4.6.3, but should work on all Symbian^3 and S60 5th Edition phones.

Please download the application and share your feedback with the Betalabs team.

‘My Little Plant’ Symbian^3 Game

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 11:41 PM PDT

My Little Plant‘ is cute little game for Symbian^3 devices, In which you have to take care of your little plant until it fully grown up.

“Do you have a Nokia N8? Are you worried about the planet? You can now follow the weather in Amazon Forest while you take care of a typical plant from the region. My Little Plant Guaran á is a game in which you gain a cement to take care of until it becomes a beautiful guaranazeiro. In order to achieve it, pay attention to Amazon climate conditions, get rid of enemies, get the little stars and use the tools to make your plant grow strong. At the same time, appreciate Amazon weather in real time.”

Get the game over Ovi Store!

Alternate Download Link!

Video: Symbian^3 PR2.0 demo on Nokia C7

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 12:18 PM PDT

Few days ago Symbian^3 PR2.0 Spotted over Navifirm under the Nokia C7 RM-691 T-Mobile and tested by some of you guys. Here is video demo of  PR2.0 running on C7 RM-675.

Please check the PR2.0 changelog and screenshots here!

Note: This is not the final PR 2.0 release.



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